My Learning Experience

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ကကHas The King’s University Been the Right Fit for Me? Coming to The King’s University has been like a breath of fresh air. It has helped me discover an educational experience that best fits my learning style. I love the opportunity that it presents me to serve in the local church and be able to apply directly what I learn in the classroom. These factors have come together in perfect unison to help me to discover what my calling is and what God has set before me to accomplish in my lifetime. For so long, I wrestled with this big question of, “What will I do with my life?” It overwhelmed me for a good long while, and to be quite honest, it scared me. It frightened me to the point where I just did not want to think about it any longer. I put …show more content…

That method is typically the best way that I learn. Someone can teach me and lecture me all day long, but until I actually get into the assignment and start doing it for myself, I might as well not have been listening. The most beneficial aspect of my learning at The King’s University has been the heightened emphasis on practical hands-on learning. Texas Tech and Wayland Baptist Universities are great schools, but they did not fit what I needed as far as preparing me to launch into the “real world,” because they lacked the emphasis on hands-on learning that is necessary for me to be able to learn anything. One memory that comes to mind in which I needed to do something before I could actually learn was at my old job as a barista. My boss was instructing the other baristas and myself, and the entire time all I could think was, “I have no idea what she is saying.” It was not until I was actually able to get on the espresso machine myself and just begin to actually make coffee that I finally learned how to do it, and I learned how to do it pretty well, if I do say so

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