An Analysis Of Linda K Hogan's Innocence

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As a senior I am obviously aware that my journey through school is coming to an end. At this point in my life, I have a slight idea about what I want to do in the future; however, I still do not know if that is what I want to do for the rest of my life and I will not ever know until I learn more about it. Some people may see my lack of permanent direction as an indication of someone who is lost. Nonetheless, I see this as an exhilarating experience where I am constantly discovering new things about myself. When this topic came up, I knew I wanted to do something that reflected my thought process during this time. A poem that I think best reflects me is titled innocence and is written by Linda K Hogan, a Native American poet who is of Chickasaw origin. Hogan has played a prominent role in the development of contemporary Native American poetry, in particular, its relationship to environmental issues. Innocence is a coming of age poem that effectively mirrors my attitudes, values and beliefs. This is seen through the ways in which the poem reflects my past, present and future.
My past attitudes, values and beliefs are reflected in Hogan’s poem. Linda Hogan was born in Denver, Colorado and was the daughter of a white woman from Nebraska and a Chickasaw …show more content…

With just under 3 weeks left to go of this twelve year long journey, life after school is not thoroughly mapped out for me as I still do not know where I will be in 3 months, 6 months or even a year from now. However, like Linda Hogan herself said, “The ways are not always mapped or charted, but sometimes being lost, if there is such a thing, is the sweetest place to be.” If this is the case, then I am more than happy with where I am now and I guess the future is just a mystery waiting to be

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