Don T Blame The Eater And What You Eat Is Fast Food

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Is it fast food or the people?

I use to think the people became obese at older ages, but I realized that’s not the case because in society now days all one hears is a six year old being obese before their even six-teen. President Obama and his wife Michelle have tried to stop obesity by fixing the matters at school. I believe that it’s good to know that they care, but that’s not solving the problem being that that many don’t eat at school so they go home and eat whatever they want. Two articles that I have previously read Don’t Blame the Eater by David Zinczenko and What You Eat IS Your Business by Radley Balko have strike my attention, but Don’t Blame the Eater by David Zinczenko would be better than What You Eat Is Your …show more content…

Don’t Blame the Eater and What You Eat Is Your Business they each explain that, but as I read Don’t Blame the Eater it explained that. Don’t Blame the Eater gives descriptive details about obesity by saying that “Before 1994, diabetes in children was generally caused by a genetic disorder¬---only about 5 percent of childhood cases were obesity related. (Zinczenko , They Say, I Say, pg.392)This static explains that there’s more to obesity than what we’re use to which is just candy, snacks, unhealthiness. “Don’t Blame the Eater also, states “The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that diabetes accounted for 2.6 billion in health care costs in 1969.( Zinczenko , They Say, I ,Say,pg.392) “What You eat Is Your Business gives more of the political details. What You Eat Is Your Business states that “President Bush earmarked $200 million in his budget for anti-obesity measures . What You eat is Your Business makes sure that we understand the un-understood part of obesity. (Balko, They Say, I, Say, pg.396) For example, the author states, “For decades now, America’s health care system has been migrating toward socialism. Your well-being, shape, and condition have increasingly of matters of personal responsibility.” (Balko, They Say, I, Say, pg.396) Don’t Blame the Eater gives more of a background twist which makes the article easier to attach to whereas, What …show more content…

Both articles were very reasonable to

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