Is Global Skepticism Justified?

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Is Global Skepticism Justified?

Skepticism is something that we all have to one degree or another. Some of us who carry some Limited (Local) Skepticism might question whether we can really know if the news anchor is giving us correct information or if the five day forecast is really on track this time regarding the rain it is predicting. Others subscribe to the Global Skepticism view; that is, they would argue that we cannot know anything at all, and, therefore, we can’t have knowledge of anything (Feldman 109). As a global skeptic, we would not only challenge the same things that limited skeptics confront, but we would challenge the very essence of our being. If this form of skepticism is valid, we would have to reexamine all of what we think we know and have knowledge of. Is there an external material world? Are we living in matrix-type situations? Perhaps, we are just brains in vats and are cruelly forced to perceive a world that is truly not reality. One can see how this form of skepticism could leave us hopeless, confused, and pessimistic.
It might seem that we really know a lot about this planet we live on. But how much do we really ‘know’ the things of this world? Could it be that the things we thought we knew with certainty is really not as absolute as we thought it is? In Rene Descartes’ “Meditation on the First Philosophy,” he says as follows about fundamental knowledge: “Certainly, up to now whatever I have accepted as fully true I have learned either from or by means of the senses: but I have discovered that they sometimes deceive us, and prudence dictates that we should never fully trust those who have deceived us even once. But perhaps, although they sometimes deceive us about things that are little, ...

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...nnot know anything at all, since saying so admits to actually knowing something; that is, that we ‘know’ we cannot know anything. By using our senses and reasoning we can come to justify knowledge and claim that we do ‘know’ things of this world. Global Skepticism would have us believe that we cannot be entirely sure of our reality and absolute certainty is crucial to our knowledge. However, the mere fact that we have self-awareness should speak volumes the idea that we can’t not have knowledge. As I stated earlier, we can have knowledge even if we are not completely correct. In other words, to be completely certain of a conclusion founded by particular propositions is not necessary. The important thing is the standards that we set for knowledge. Given the arguments that Global Skeptics lay out, it is reasonable to conclude that Global Skepticism is not justified.

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