Importance Of Reading, Writing, Literacy And Language

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Reader I must warn you, the following is not a meticulously composed prose by a master of the pen, rather it is the writings and musings of an amateur. In the coming paragraphs I will provide my perspective on reading, writing, literacy and language.
Many are of the opinion that human personalities can be encapsulated under different classifications such as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). However, I do not believe something as variable as writing can be classified under such a simple system. Perhaps we are not cognizant of the many literacies we have and use on a daily basis. It is my opinion that some individuals may have a penchant for natural languages while some feel more at home with formal languages. I believe I belong to the …show more content…

Being such a pragmatic individual (If I may be so bold to say), I often take definitions at face value. As such literacy for me is simply the act of being coherent in a field be it reading, writing, painting, finance and others. I view Literacy in the context of the English language as absolutely necessary: Humans are social creatures and we thrive on the interactions we have with others on a daily basis. Writing and language as a whole is an essential tool in the toolbox of life. While I would not consider myself a ‘bookworm’ or an avid reader, I do enjoy a good book from time to time. Much of my fondness towards reading is a direct result of the active role my parents took in my English education from youth. Had they not weaned me onto books that were both denser and more elaborate as the years went by, I probably would have a strong aversion to reading literature. Writing literature however is a different affair. My relationship with writing is fragile at best. I enjoy the concept of writing, especially of stories. In fact, one of my most enjoyable pastimes is creating names of books and imagining the plot never to …show more content…

The sphere, hanging from a long wire set into the ceiling of the choir, swayed back and forth with isochronal majesty. I knew—but anyone could have sensed it in the magic of that serene breathing—that the period was governed by the square root of the length of the wire and by IT, that number which, however irrational to sublunar minds, through a higher rationality binds the circumference and diameter of all possible circles. The time it took the sphere to swing from end to end was determined by an arcane conspiracy between the most timeless of measures: the singularity of the point of suspension, the duality of the plane’s dimensions, the triadic beginning of ir, the secret quadratic nature of the root, and the unnumbered perfection of the circle

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