Literary Devices In Jfk Inaugural Address

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John F. Kennedy announced one of the most reiterated speeches in history, the “Inaugural Address” during the midst of a war torn time period. His words promised optimism and hope to an audience who was at the brink of collapsing as a whole. By exclusively using his words and emotion, he was able provide security and comfort to the whole nation. Kennedy 's choice of words and strategies encouraged many people to obstruct selfish behavior and contribute participation in methods to improve the United States. Kennedy was able to accomplish this with the help of literary devices such as tone, repetition, metaphors, imagery and diction to motivate many Americans doubting the stability of their own country. Kennedy 's ability to maintain an encouraging He uses the statement “Let both sides” to navigate through the point that our country needs unity and peace with others in order to function efficiently(Kennedy 464). By repeating a specific part over and over again, it plants the idea and convinces the American public that it is possible to reshape the past decisions and mistakes to fabricate a new and improved His words come alive as he states it to the audience and anyone who re-watches his speech. An example can be seen when he claims“ The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it-- and the glow from that fire can truly light the world”(Kennedy 464). It is easy to put together and imagine these events converting into reality if his proposal is endorsed. Another vivid statement is “We offer not a pledge, but a request: that both sides begin anew the quest for peace. Before the dark powers of destruction unleashed by science engulf all humanity in planned or accidental self-destruction”(Kennedy 463). All these words are descriptive and can portray pictures of reality. Using imagery along with diction helped evolve his speech into an easy, understandable and motivating reason to support and have faith in all his

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