Northup's Case Of Northup And The Fugitive Slave Law

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1. Northup’s was a very skilled violin player and he had played his entire life. Since Northup was very skilled at the violin two men approached him in Saratoga and said they were part of a circus. These two men wanted Northup to join the circus so they took him to Washington but these two men were not part of the circus they were slave traders. They drugged Northup and placed him in handcuffs and chains then took him to the south. I think these two men purposely tricked Northup in to believing they were part of this music circus so they could get him away from his family, friends, and home which would make it easier to kidnap him. 2. I believe that the Fugitive Slave Law could be related to Northup being kidnapped. I think this because the slave trader Burch, told Northup to get his “free papers” so he would be able to show he was a free slave once they entered the slave states. I think Burch did so he could get Northup’s trust. Once drugged Bruch used the Fugitive Slave Law to say, that Northup was a run away slave and was taking him back to his master. Burch also beat Northup until he stopped talking about being a free man and from New York because selling a free man was a federal offense. 3. Starting his years as a slave in the Capitol really baffled Northup and it made it worse because he was …show more content…

Christmas holidays in Northup narrative was portrayed as a time when the slaves were not in constant labor. Epps would allow them between 3-6 days off. The slaves look forward to the Christmas holidays. The slaves get a “Christmas supper” that they all look forward to. This aspect of slavery is very surprising. I wouldn’t think that the slave owners would allow their slaves this much free time as well as freedom. All throughout the year, these slave owners beat and torture their slaves but when Christmas time comes around, they treat them like one of their own. I feel this type of treatment should be all year long instead of just during the Christmas

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