Importance Of Maritime Supremacy

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The importance of maritime supremacy is the foundation on what the Navy was founded on. Yes, they did not adapt this idea right away but from leaders like john Paul Jones, Mathew Perry and Mahan we adopted the principle of maritime supremacy. The Navy has many tools and resources to use and one of them is the helicopter. The helicopter is relatively new when it comes to maritime warfare and has changed the way we fight. The helicopter has impacted the tactics of medical evacuations and search and rescue missions, ship design, and strategies. One of the most important impacts from helicopters that are overseen most of the time is the way the Navy has to build its ships so that helicopters are able to land and take off on them. They have to take in account fluid dynamics and air wake (Forrest, Kaaria, and Owen, 2010). The air wake causes increased workload on the pilot and the crew to keep the helicopter in check (Forrest, Kaaria, and Owen, 2010). The extensive research on what type of shape and angels to be used in ship designs are being tested on computer models that test workload and air wake (Forrest, Kaaria, and Owen, 2010). That being said the impact is being felt from the pilots of helicopters by how much less work they have to do and the ship builders who are trying to make it …show more content…

The impact of helicopters during the Vietnam War was that they flew more than 63,000 sorties with only 164 helicopters getting hit and only 4 being destroyed (Horn, 2003). That means men and supplies were making it to the troops instead of by road where the Vietcong control and use guerrilla tactics. They were able to transport about 270,000 troops and over 7,700 tons of cargo (Horn, 2003). That being said nothing could have been able to supply the troops like helicopters could of because of the terrain of

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