Impeachment of Andrew Jackson

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My fellow congressmen, Representative Nicholas and I are here today to speak to you about the possible impeachment of our President, Andrew Jackson. Many of you allege that President Jackson should be impeached for expanding the powers of presidency and for his actions regarding the national bank, spoils system, the forced removal of Native Americans, and the nullification crisis. The truth, however, is that our president has acted only while keeping the interests of this great nation in mind. He has fought for the common man, and though he has made mistakes and crossed certain boundaries, as almost all presidents do, he has only done so while trying to help our country grow and prosper. There is therefore, no reason for his impeachment.
Jackson believed that the National Bank system was corrupt and unjust, so it was justifiable to withdraw federal funds. The National Bank was only useful for the rich, which were a minority in the United States. As a representer of the entire country, he needed to ensure that all systems were in favor of the general people, not just the elite. He “destroyed” the national bank by vetoing the charter that was approved by the senate. When he vetoed the charter, he lost a few of his wealthy voters, but Jackson gained votes from the common people in the election of 1832 (King Andrew and the Bank). Then, Jackson withdrew federal funds and created pet banks. This was an attempt to help the common man become equal individual of the US. Jackson’s efforts failed because these banks raised the demand of paper money, leading to inflation and an unstable economy. Even though this idea resulted in an economic downfall, it was a neither a crime nor treasonous; it was merely a poor decision. Jackso...

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...olina and brought back order to the nation, a result which is far from worthy of impeachment. Whatever legal or ethical qualms one may have about Jackson’s reaction to this crisis, he acted only in order to maintain order and keep this great nation unified.
President Andrew Jackson should not be impeached because his actions were legal and were in the best interest of the future of the United States. No legal action can be taken against the president, as everything that was done was in accordance to his job. He aided the common people and helped the country grow. Whether you think that Andrew Jackson has been a good or bad president, he has only acted in the interests of our nation and has not violated any laws. His presidency wasn't the most successful, but regardless, he did nothing worthy of impeachment and on no grounds should impeachment even be considered.

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