The Positive Impacts of Video Gaming

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The positive impacts of video gaming online are listed on the online services section so these are some of the consequences that can happen to someone socially when playing too much. “Some of the physical consequences of video game addiction can lead to social consequences as well. For instance, an addicted gamer who loses sleep because he's playing so much simply doesn't have the energy to invest in relationships. Lack of sleep may also make him irritable and difficult to be around. The lack of social interaction that results from obsessive gaming can have long-term social consequences. An addicted teenager won't develop effective social skills, which will hinder his ability to develop and maintain healthy relationships in college and beyond. Suddenly, he's 21 but has the social skills of a 15-year-old. He doesn't know how to make friends, talk to girls, or just "hang out” and enjoy people's company. The social awkwardness created by the isolationism of gaming addiction, unfortunately, feeds the addiction. The gaming addict will likely retreat back to his online world where relationships are easier and already waiting for him.”

In business the market for entertainment and leisure are huge. Apart from the products they actually make, Entertainment helps businesses run and communicate with videos and music online. Businesses use videos to develop ideas and design products. They can decide to sponsor other organisations, such as sports teams and events, also to gain profit. Sponsoring can allow businesses to add advertisements to specific websites. Entertainment can be produced by many businesses in the form of children’s toys, events and holiday locations just to name a few examples. Some popular holiday resorts such as Butlins an...

... middle of paper ... as much as ICT itself so companies, banks and customers are always at risk of losing money unnecessarily. Dick this there are some negative professionally to due to the risk of losing personal data, companies will be at risk of losing money. This may result in job losses and so on.

The new measures being taken to protect members of the public against crime, on the internet or in public are very effective at giving us peace of mind when using the internet personal details are protected over the internet from hackers. Data stored can also be protected with firewalls and virus protection.

These new measures however can generate problems for people. In schools teachers have access to all documents, it is similar in the work place and hackers have the power to hack into almost any computer. In extreme cases no amount of crime prevention will be able to stop this.

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