Facebook Positive Impact

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An American computer programmer and Internet entrepreneur, Mark Elliot Zuckerburg was one of five co-founders of the social networking website Facebook, which currently has “1.49 billion active Facebook users in the second quarter of 2015”, according to (www.statista.com). Also statistics provided by (www.adweek.com) shows that in 2009, Facebook was growing at an exponential rate of “700,000 to 750,000 new users per day”. Also the lasting impacts including the advantages and disadvantages that come with the use of Facebook should be addressed. Some advantages include, the ability to share personal moments with millions of people across the world, connecting people to friends, families, to strangers that live thousands of kilometres away. It …show more content…

A report by (www.time.com) suggests that the use of Facebook and social media can have positive effects on the human psychology. According to (Park 2014), it is evident that there are negative emotions that can “trigger feelings of envy, worsen our self-esteem, and make us feel lonely.” If something can have a negative tendency, there is also a chance that there is positive ideas that have not yet been addressed. As Park from (www.dailymail.co.uk) continues to discuss that there is too much focus surrounding the negative, she mentions there is also a spread of positivity that is overlooked. News articles from the sources (www.dailymail.co.uk), suggests that the use of Facebook can “spark a natural high leading to a relaxed heart rate and lower levels of stress and tension”. Researchers of Auxologico Italian Institute, the catholic university, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology conducted an experiment with “30 students aged 19-25 monitoring the reactions of their brain, blood pressure, skin conductance, pupil dilation and heart rate.” At the end of the research, they concluded that they found the use of Facebook “brought out reactions suggesting the person found high levels of attractiveness and arousal.” Similarly to the negative effects that was caused through the abusive use of Facebook, this kind of spike in arousal is known to leads to anxiety problems and social awkwardness for some people. Regardless of the fact that this could stimulate positive effects that would mask the negative effects is still inconclusive. Because of this, it is safe to assume that Facebook definitely influences an individual’s psychology, but whether it be positively or negatively inherited is up to the

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