I Want My College Degree Despite My Problem with ADD

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According to American Psychological Association, Attention Deficit Disorder (A.D.D.) is a behavioral condition that makes focusing on everyday requests and routines challenging. In the fourth grade, I was diagnosed with A.D.D., though there were no physical differences between my peers and myself, my difference was in the way I learned. While I had a difficult time managing my disability, with hard work and dedication I discovered methods to help me excel. As a person who struggled for years to thrive in school, I realized after receiving Dean's list honors my freshman year, that I can accomplish anything I set my mind to. Now I am going to help others accomplish many things they set their minds to, through occupational therapy. I developed a strong interest in occupational therapy (O.T.) after volunteering with different people. A dream of mine has always been to be the first in my family to go to college and receive a degree. In order to succeed, I knew I had to learn to manage my disability. Even though, it takes me longer to prepare for school I have found methods to help me succeed. I listen to alternative music to block out distracting noises, and organize my work by prioritizing and using color-coded folders for each subject. A week before major exams, I start preparing by studying and mapping out my time, making this typically stressful week more manageable. These strategies, and many others, help me surpass expectations. Finally, I accomplished some of my goals. I received Dean's List honors all four years during high school. In addition to academics, I use my study habits to partake in extracurricular activities. The position as the Editor-in-Chief for my school's yearbook required me to manage my time and manage it we... ... middle of paper ... ...teering, but as a result of this my passion grows daily. Helping those who struggle has led me to my passion, and through occupational therapy I will be able to continue my passion by helping others who struggle just as I did. My degree in occupational therapy will be used to make life easier for the people all around me. My life has not always been easy, but it was through my diagnosis that I found my desire to help others. People come from many different types of struggles and I plan on using my education to help those who struggle in their daily activities. I found my life's calling not only through my experiences volunteering as a personal care aide and as a mentor for foster children each summer, but also through my disability. Though I struggle daily with A.D.D. the thought of reaching my goals and helping others through occupational therapy makes it worth it.

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