Importance Of Living A Good Life

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Journal Entry #23,725: Introspection 9/27/2080 Journal, I 've lived a good life and plan to live for a few more decades. I just found out that my 15th grandchild will be born soon and will be named after me. My aging has gone well thanks to the advancements in medicine and technology. I 've been fortunate to receive personalized medical treatments and technology that helps me function as if I were years younger. I have Internet check-ins with my doctor and receive recommendations to enhance my living. I practiced as a cardiologist for forty years and now volunteer at a clinic for individuals who can 't afford medical care. Being a physician has been one of the best experiences of my life. I have health issues such as high blood pressure and lacking the energy to …show more content…

One of the most difficult parts of growing old was watching my parents, who had always been an active part of my life, growing old and passing away. For this reason, I would recommend that everyone cherish the moments that they have with their loved ones, because these moments will soon pass and all you’ll have are the memories that were made. The biggest way that I’ve changes is that I’ve learned to live in the moment and relish life. This world is a beautiful place to me like it always has been and I still see it as full of new opportunities even as I 'm becoming older and older. Some wisdom that I want to share with the younger generations is “You can only regret the choices you didn’t make”, “Enjoy the little things in life, because one day you’ll look back and realize they were the big things”, “We all die. The goal isn’t to live forever, it’s to create something that will.”, and “Learn from the people who have walked the path before you.”. There is still so much out there that I haven 't experienced and I can’t wait to experience more opportunities before I no longer can. The world we live in is fantastic and I can’t wait to seize

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