My Calling to be a Teacher

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Setting goals and objectives for ourselves can give us a sense of direction in life. But the tides of time are unpredictable and things might not always turn out the way we planned them to be. Growing up, I knew I would finish high school at the age of eighteen, college at twenty-three and be married latest by the age of twenty- six. And of course I knew I was going to be a lawyer or let me put it this way; my parents wanted me to be a lawyer and they made sure my academic performance never declined. I attended the best boarding schools and lacked nothing, so what could possibly go wrong to defer my dream?

December 1996 was supposed to mark the end of my high school education and since I had consciously prepared for my core and elective courses, I had nothing to be afraid of; the future looked promising. Then December 3rd came, the day that marked the beginning of my final exams. I woke up that morning feeling hopeful and a little anxious which was perfectly normal. Then we went to the exam hall and settled to start the exam, then all hell broke loose; I started feeling dizzy, cold and sick. I remember vomiting which was accompanied by a throbbing headache but I didn’t remember much after that.

I woke up the next morning on a hospital bed, surrounded by my family. I had been diagnosed with malaria, one of the number one killer diseases in Africa. The doctor prescribed “chloroquine” to treat the disease but the effects of the drug left me weak, dizzy and nauseated. As vulnerable as I felt at the time, I was determined to sit for all my exams. This was because my inability to write the exams meant that I had to wait for a whole year to take the next exams and this was something I couldn’t come to terms...

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...d a two bedroom apartment that had been funded by “Habitat for Humanity International,” a red 2004 Toyota Corolla and a two week vacation to London. My trip to London brought me into contact with so many fond memories that still linger in my heart.

As humans, we tend wallow in despair and self- pity when our dreams and aspirations seem to disappear into thin air before our very eyes. While it is true that we might go through catastrophic situations that are irreversible, we can also choose to have a positive outlook towards life. I do appreciate the gift of life very much so many years ago, I made a commitment to myself that as difficult as it may be, I would live my life one day at a time. I try to control the situations that are within my reach but for those that are nature adaptive, I allow nature to take its course. After all, I’m just human!

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