My Challenges To Becoming Myself: A Letter To The Future

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Today is November 16, 2016; and I’m writing this letter to myself because five years from now I want to see if I actually overcome my goals that I had planned five years ago. I am a senior accounting major at Hampton University. It’s my last year and I’m happy and sad at the same time. I am happy because in May of 2017 I will receive my bachelor degree in accounting. I’m also sad because I will be leaving some of my close friends and stepping out the real world. My current fears is after graduating, I just have a lot thoughts that’s going thru my head. The first thought is when, after I step across the stage what I’m going to do next. Is am going to succeed in life by having the dream job I wanted. Is am able to bring financial money in to …show more content…

These thoughts naturally prevent us from making effective decisions and undertaking the actions that will help us create the momentum we need to get to our end destination. Some life challenges I want to overcome in the future is first get out of my shyness talking to people or presented without being nervous front of a big crowd. When I was little my mom gave me advice to overcome this challenge. She told just practice talking yourself in the mirror until you feel confident. My biggest life challenges is to achieving success in the future. I often have thought about doing something challenging and finding myself saying: 'I 'll never be able to achieve that. I have some of my close friends and family is supporting me through my adulthoods. Overcoming this first barrier and identifying your challenge is the first step on your road to success. I have to make sure, that I have the time to commit my plan, preparation and deliver to success money, and other needs. Having established my challenge, I should let my family, and friends know what I’m aiming to achieve for in the future. Like I know one day I want own my own business running a restaurant. A goal should be challenging but achievable. It is important that I establish my goals at the beginning. I have to sit down and think I’m achieve my …show more content…

With belief comes a commitment to investing the time, effort and resources to make sure you continue to deliver your short-term goals, and repeated success in delivering your goals increases your motivation which, in turn, increases your belief in your abilities to deliver your long-term goal. My expectation in the future is to be successful, find love, and start a family in that order. I want to focused on myself by bettering myself to be great in life where the point of life I don’t have struggle or worrying about my career. After I’m in the right place in my life that’s when I wasn’t to start meeting people where I can build an empire with the love of my life can keep each other in check. When we both financially stable I want plan my dream wedding on the island where my family and friends join me to celebrate a wonderful event. Later on in life start a family where I want my kids to experience the world and see what they want to do in life. Some advice I want to give myself or others that’s reading this. Good things take time. Don’t rush a relationship just because you don’t have anybody else. Don’t force a family if you not ready. Just experience life because life is too short to not experience beautiful things and learning new things about different culture and heritage. Explore because

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