HR - Training And Development

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"There is nothing training cannot do. Nothing is above its reach. It can turn bad morals to good; it can destroy bad principles and recreate good ones; it can lift men to angelship." Mark Twain "Failure is success if we learn from it." Macolm Forbes ‘In the simplest sense, a learning organisation is a group of people who are continually enhancing their capability to create their own future. The traditional meaning of the word learning is much deeper than just taking information in. It is about changing individuals so that they produce results they care about – accomplish things that are important to them.' Peter Senge The work of Peter Senge at MIT's Sloan School of Business has been influential in convincing companies that the ability to learn is a key success factor. However, the success factor of any organisation does not focus solely on the ability to learn. Feedback on how a person is performing is necessary in training and development and individuals need no know how they are doing in order to continue to learn effectively . How can employees find out whether they are in line with procedures and what is expected out of them? Performance appraisals are one of the methods most frequently used. Recent estimates are that more than 97.1 percent of all organizations in the United States use some sort of performance evaluation or appraisal system . Although these systems are used for various purposes, managers tend to fail to use performance appraisals accurately, so the systems fail to achieve their intended purpose. The results of a recent survey state the following, that 70 percent of employees say that performance appraisals do not provide them with a clear picture of what is expected of them. In add... ... middle of paper ... ...nce appraisals help identify individual employees in need of training, better performance results and accountability. Consistent task – or behaviour - related problems indicate the need for additional training . However, because many managers do not know how to conduct performance appraisals effectively, this method often identifies training needs incorrectly. Therefore, as a concluding note, although performance appraisals and training and development can be taken as two separate concepts, they can be very much inter related with each other, and one can lead to another and vice versa. The end result is making sure the customer is satisfied together with the employer through a satisfactory return on investment; this can be achieved through the correct use of performance management and training and development. Practice with the appropriate feedback makes perfect !

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