Persuasive Essay On Women Equal Rights

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Times use to be much simpler than they are today. The men went and worked all day and the women stayed back and took care of the home duties. It was modern life and no one thought that there was a need for change. The generations’ before had lived this way, and it seemed that it worked out for everyone. The men were in charge, while their wives and women stayed in the background and supported their men. As far as anyone knew this was the only way of living. Why fix anything if no one was complaining, or saw a flaw in the way they lived? Until one day women began to question if this was all that they were capable of, and if they could do more. The cards were not in favor of women, and they knew something needed to be done if they wanted something more. With the determination of just a few women the way of life was about to change drastically. They began the long and hard battle for equality, and along the way they hit a few bumps in
However, it would be a mistake to recognize the enormous scope of the struggle for women’s liberation and not as the same time appreciate the extent of our resources for winning it. The process by which the women’s suffrage movement emerged from the discontent of women, and the militant and radical feminism that its leaders brought to it is evidence of the ultimate capacity of women to liberate our sex. “It is wonderful…,” a Pennsylvania suffragist wrote in 1871. “Only twenty years ago even L. Mott doubted the wisdom of Elizabeth Cady Stanton claiming the ballot for women; now thousands joyfully follow her lead”.

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