Wheelchair Basketball Essay

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many sports an athlete have to work hard to become good in the sport they play. If the player is skilled enough he or she can get drafted to play in a professional team and get paid for it. Wheelchair basketball is no different from any other sport. The only exception is that the sport is intended for people with leg disabilities however the benefits remain true. Wheelchair basketball incorporates wheelchair as the only option players can move, thus creating fairness to all players. If it had not been for wheelchairs the disabled would not be able to play the sport and potentially get paid for it. Enthaising the importance of technology and how it affects lives. Overall, technology gives people with disabilities new opportunities for employment. …show more content…

Robert Patrick claims technology will serve as a boon for people with disabilities. This is especially true because with wearable technology it will allow new possibilities. Medical checkup can be done at home instead of traditionally going to a doctor office. Reminders can be set on how to use prescription when the user is close to the medicine. Doors, Tv’s, and security cameras can be controlled right from where the person is standing or sitting. Aki Ito suggest technology is becoming inexpensive. She explains over decades the prices of technology has been decreasing. For instance the prices for computers in 1980 has dropped 99% and they continue to drop. Cameras are 75% cheaper than what they were in the year 2000. Enabling technology to become more available to a widespread of people especially for those who are short on money or with disabilities. Fraunhofer states users of electric wheelchairs are able to use computers and smartphones without the help from another person. There is now a module that transforms a standard electric wheelchair into a communication station. The module is a great invention because now they will be able to communicate from the comforts of a wheelchair. Allowing them to use modern technology such as computers and phones anywhere they go. With technology being convenient for the disabled it has become a resourceful tool, helping them in improving their …show more content…

Paraplegics will remain immobile or settle with a wheelchair that has remained the same for decades. The disabled will not be able to work in the comforts of their own home and computers will not hold value since it would become unusable. As regular people enjoy technology to make their lives more convenient, why should the disabled not have the opportunity to do the same. The disabled are people but with limitations, most of which who were born with limitations and others have been unfortunate to obtain it. No one have asked to become disabled. While the fully functional people want better technology for entertainment purposes, the disabled want technology to help them be more human without limitations. People are people regardless of their limitations therefore they deserve the help they need. As human being we should help each other in their time of need. If we do not help those who need it most then how can we expect people to be more considerate and or caring. All in all technology has a positive influence in the daily lives for people with

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