Defining Culture And Culture: The Importance Of Culture

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There are many ways that culture can be defined. One of the ways is “the integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief, and behavior that depends upon man’s capacity for learning and transmitting knowledge to succeeding generations,”(Merriam Webster). I believe this is a great way to define culture, but to myself I simply believe it is religion, relationships, and tradition. First, I will discuss the importance of religion by how it has helped me. A few years ago my life was rough. I was brought up in a loving home, but I fell off the tracks. I hung around the wrong people and was doing things I shouldn’t have. Later down the road, I started to go back to church with my parents and all a sudden just woke up. I didn’t talk to anyone about my problems; friends, family, God, no one. I started praying, asking for forgiveness, just trying to talk to someone (God). One day out of nowhere, my father took me to his room. He had all my illegal personal belongings laid out on my mother’s and his bed. I felt ashamed. But I knew that it was …show more content…

Relationships bring happiness, sadness, excitement, all sorts of things. For my own life and experiences, kinships have brought the best of me. Relationships play a huge role throughout my culture. Whether that be with my parents, brother, friends, or girlfriend, they all mean so much. Many people have stuck by my side through thick and thin because relationships matter. It doesn’t matter how much materialistic things one has, it is what is inside that counts. My relationship with my brother has grown stronger over the years. He moved away to college, and I was at home. We saw each other as much as we could, but then when I was about to come up for college also, he is now moving to Lake Village, Arkansas because of his job. With family living everywhere besides right by each other, we have created and formed traditions to bring each other

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