Jaunx's Definition Of Gregorean Culture

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Dictionary.com definition for culture is “the sum of total ways of living built up by a group of human beings and transmitted from one generation to another (Dictionary.com, 2012).” This is an oversimplification of what culture is, because culture is so incredibly complex that even anthropologists can not come to a consensus on a precise definition, but they do agree upon a collection of major characteristics that make up what culture is (Jaunx, 2014). First, culture is something that is learned, meaning that culture is not something that is inherited in our biology but something that is taught and experienced as we are alive (Jaunx, 2014). Next, culture is a shared experience (Jaunx, 2014). In that we share our culture with those who are …show more content…

Meaning that tactics would have to differ from one area to the other. In the jungle there would be more freedom of maneuver and less concern towards collateral damage compared to the urban centers that have a densely populated areas. Being a modernized country Venezuela has many structures that would have to be taken account for in any operation. It does have the typical high payoff targets such as communication towers (to include radio and internet), power plants, dams, and bridges. Also, all their petroleum mining and refining sites would need to be safeguarded. 70 percent of the country’s GDP is based on exporting oil (Aaron, 2018). Most of the capabilities of Venezuela are state run such as water, sewage, trash, lower education, military, and police (Venezuela, 2018). In the private sector there are some electric companies, universities, medical, and some telecommunications (Venezuela, 2018). In Venezuela there are organizations such as military, police, and other government agencies. The largest organization is the copious amount of street and cartel affiliated gangs. Venezuela has the highest murder rate of any country in Latin America (Aaron, 2018). On top of that there are pro-government para military groups that harass those that would oppose the government (Aaron, 2018). The people of Venezuela are a Spanish speaking with about two thirds of the population having mixed ancestry (Venezuela, 2018). About 96 percent of the population is Roman Catholic (Funk & Wagnalls, 2017). The gap between the middle and upper-class vs the lower class is a huge divide. This is due large economic expansion due to the discovery of rich oil reserves, followed by a steep and continual economic depression (Aaron, 2018). Those that have gotten rich off oil have been able to keep their riches while most of the population is left in poverty and usual resort to crime. Still there is a strong sense of

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