The Lost City Of Atlantis Essay

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While there are many fascinating unexplained cases in the world, one of the world’s largest unsolved mysteries is the Lost City of Atlantis. For the past few centuries countless scientists, writers, and explorers have been obsessed with the history of Atlantis. The one thing they can’t figure out is if Atlantis really existed, where was this legendary island located. This unsolved mystery started all because of Plato, an ancient Greek philosopher. Plato is one of the worlds widely known philosopher’s who was the student of Socrates and the teacher of Aristotle. He began his extensive writing while traveling the Mediterranean region for about 12 years. Plato first heard about Atlantis from his grandfather Critias, who heard about it from Solon, a politician and poet. Solon heard about Atlantis from an Egyptian priest. The story Plato heard from his grandfather is what inspired two of his dialogues. Around 360 BC, nearly 2,400 years ago, he wrote the dialogues “Timaeus” and “Critias”. These discussions he wrote are between Socrates, Hermocrates, Timaeus, and Critias. Upon a previous discussion they agreed to entertain Socrates with a story that is “not a fiction, but a true story” (Plato). These dialogues influenced so …show more content…

He describes Atlantis as an island that was wealthy and beyond their times. Its mentioned how in the northern region of the island and along the shore it consisted mostly of mountains. The walls were constructed of red, white, and black rock. Atlanteans were known to be god-like because their hearts were so pure. They even had everything they needed to only depend on themselves. Such as fresh water, metal ore mines, bridges, great canal systems, vegetation, fruit plantations, and an abundance of wild animals such as elephants. This soon came to an end because Atlanteans became obsessed with greed and

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