Do You Really Know What Your Doing to Your Body?

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There are many reasons that alcohol can lead to depression. They say that too much alcohol can lead into a major depression! This depression can lead to other issues such as financial and family problems. When alcohol wears off, the depression becomes stronger than ever before. Many people tend to drink as a substitute to the real world. They do not want to face the consequences of their life, so they drink to block things out. This then starts to cause a depression because they cannot face what is really going on in their lives. Alcohol is known as a depressant. Many people who consume alcohol tend to have minor case of depression without knowing it. According to James on, “Since alcohol is a known depressant, it stands to reason people with depression shouldn't drink. This applies to people suffering from manic depression as well. Studies have shown that doctors miss diagnosing correctly roughly 65% of people who are depressed” (“How Alcohol”). Drinking while having depression worsens the case by a lot. Depression originates from the body's response to drinking alcohol; therefore, once the body disposes of the chemical the depression gets worse. Brain Shrinkage Many people say that the brain shrinks when alcohol is consumed, but why is that? When alcohol enters the body, it goes to the reward system in the brain. Some people say that after seeing one person drunk they can tell just how much it affects the brain because of the slurred speech and the impaired judgement. Many people also suffer from hangovers which consist of major headaches. For some people this is not enough to convince them to stop drinking. After people have been long-time drinkers, they do not always tend to notice the short t... ... middle of paper ..., Alcohol Addiction and Alcohol Abuse. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Jan. 2014. . "The Effects of Alcohol on the Developing Brain." Women's Health Issues. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Jan. 2014. . "Inexplicably Technical & Hispanic." Inexplicably Technical Hispanic. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Jan. 2014. . "The Truth about What Alcohol Does to Your Body." N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Jan. 2014. . "What Alcohol Does To Your Body." WHAT ALCOHOL DOES TO YOUR BODY. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Jan. 2014. .

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