Health Care Reform: The New Definition of Socialism

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Health Care Reform: The New Definition of Socialism. “In 2007 nearly fifty-million Americans did not have health insurance, while another twenty-five million were underinsured”. (Health CS). The United States one of the most powerful countries in the world where a national health care system is nonexistent because there is no financial accountability. Politics, money and bureaucracy have left Americans with doubt, confusion and the worries on how to pay for health coverage. United States should have a national healthcare plan because it will cut down on cost be more efficient and make doctors more financially responsible when it comes to spending money. Of the people I questioned thirty percent said that the health care premiums are too high another thirty percent had no answer at all. Only eighty percent agreed that everyone needed health care coverage. A hundred percent did not know how many people in United States were uninsured. When I was handing out the fliers I saw first hand the ignorance my co-workers displayed. It was like they didn’t want to give an opinion like I was judging them for what they thought. If asking questions on what you think can have such an emotional response I can just imagine on a national level. According to the Rasmussen Reports who conducted a national telephone poll have found that forty-one percent are in favor of the healthcare plan while another fifty-four are strongly opposed of the healthcare plan (Health Reform). We live in a country where freedom still means something having the right to choose and make your decisions is the core foundation and what America was built on. The thought of government control really puts fear in Americans because they believe in free market enterprise but... ... middle of paper ... ...omes to escalating healthcare cost on a national level. Relman, Arnold. A Second Opinion: Rescuing America’s Health Care. New York: Public Affairs, 2007. Print. I chose this book because the author, Relman explains the origins where the commercialization of medicine and explains how the healthcare system became a nonprofit organization to global profit sharing corporation. Doctors treated their patients as human beings instead of dollar signs. The global commercialization of medicine has taken over the healthcare system by storm and there is no way of stopping it without reform. Sicko. Dir. Michael Moore. 2007. DVD. The Weinstein Company, 2007. Sicko was a good movie it really explains the healthcare systems in France, Cuba, and Canada and how united states is really fallen behind and using healthcare system as a money making tool.

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