Persuasive Essay On Gun Control

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For decades the second amendment was simply known as the right to bear arms. People looked at it as a staple of our country and never truly thought to undermine it. However, in today’s world the right to bear arms has come into considerable question. The conversation of gun regulation is so topical that it has created a divide across our country. It seems there is no right answer considering pro gun supporters claim, “without guns we are unprotected from gunmen,” and citizens against guns claim, “you’re only adding fuel to the fire.” Enforcing the current gun laws and regulations would virtually put an end to these talks. Numerous gun regulations are currently being ignored and have led to many deadly tragedies. The gun control laws that we already have need to be enforced. Misuse of firearms prosecutions has lessened by 35%. Out of 76,000 purchase applications that were denied, only 62% were referred for prosecution and only 44% were prosecuted. (Licata) Implementing more gun control laws will not help our situation if we are not enforcing the ones we already have in place. The gun control laws they are trying to put in place, such as banning certain weapons and larger magazine capacities, does no good when the criminals will still …show more content…

It’s actually embarrassing for a nation that it’s second amendment has to be this highly questioned because people can’t follow rules. While the biggest culprits of this entire topic are obviously the deadly criminals, it’s hard to pin it all on them. Perhaps if the current background checks that are in place were properly conducted some of these shootings may have never taken place. I truly think that changing any of the current regulations or laws would be considered a high injustice on the backbone of this nation. The citizens that follow the rules and use guns for target practice, hunting, and

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