Causes Of The Computer Revolution

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The Great Depression was the economic low point in the United States history. Building up the nations economy was an exhausting process that took decades to improve, and even today there are still many Americans still being affected by the Great depression. The United States, through hard work began to improve the United States economy in 1980’s and the 1990’s through the buildup of new policies, industries, and programs. Not only were there a lot of people who benefited from the recovery, but there were also a lot of people who did not benefit to the change in the economy.
The computer revolution had some of the biggest impacts during the recovery of the United States economy. Even until this day, personal computers have made a huge difference in the United States economy. There were four primary players who played a big role in the computer revolution. The four individuals who are identified as the pioneers of the computer revolution are Bill Gates, Steve Wozniak, Steve Jobs, and Paul Allen (Henretta 930). Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak founded the Apple computer in 1976, …show more content…

The players who played the largest role in getting the economy back onto its feet during the 19080’s and 1990’s was Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Paul Allen. These four individuals started the computer revolution by providing personal computers and creating thousands of jobs. Newt Gingrich, the House Minority Whip Representative, helped keep the job creation high and the unemployment low while he turned the United States budget deficit into a surplus. Gingrich’s actions benefited thousands of workers as he created many jobs in various industries. Many people were affected during this overhaul of the economy. The rich had to pay more in taxes due to Reagan’s tax-cuts, however, the middle-class and lower-class was left with lower taxation. The farming industry was also hurting due to the decrease in prices of

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