Graphic Design is My Destination

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Graphic design is my destination. I want to discover the visual aspects and aesthetic properties of objects, and observe how they could be expressed through different colours, shapes, lines and tones. Design is the conscious exploring of potential futures; it indicates the purpose of a product. As I strongly believe there is no final destination in graphic design, the path is continuous and I will always see and discover new ideas. The excitement and inspiration by the things I see keep me motivated. In BTEC art lessons I have developed my drawing skills to a high level. I am adept at printmaking and have used various techniques such as linocut, woodcut, collagraph and mono print. I have also learnt how to make my own paper upon which I printed and embedded my designs. These skills have increased my desire to study Graphic Design, as printmaking is part of the graphic design course. For the sculpture unit I used an armature and mixed media to create figures in the style of Giacometti for which I achieved a Distinction for it in my BTEC Diploma. By using Photoshop I have gained the sk...

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