Good vs. Evil in Wuthering Heights

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Many authors use the setting of a novel to illuminate certain values and principles in their writing. In Wuthering Heights, Emily Bronte utilizes this technique to enhance the theme of the work. The novel is set in a harsh environment in Northern England, highlighting two specific estates, Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange, as the main places of action. The dreary landscape and houses not only serve as the primary setting, but also as major symbols that aide in establishing the tone and enhancing the novel's theme of good versus evil.

The novel is set in Yorkshire, a barren landscape in an isolated region of Northern England. The detailed descriptions of the environment allow the mood and tone of the novel to be revealed. Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange are located in a rugged atmosphere separated by cold, dark moors. Bronte instantly thrusts the reader into a place of isolation and despair by opening the novel speaking of a "solitary" neighbor and of the "desolation" present between characters. The environment evokes strong emotions to the reader, and revea...

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