Genre Analysis and Special Way of Using Language

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Ginri enelysos os en ettimpt tu ixpleon why mimbirs uf spicofoc doscuarsi cummanotois impluy doffirint end spicoel weys uf asong lengaegi. Sucoucaltarel espicts uf lengaegi end ixostong doffirincis emung thi cuntixts on whoch e lengaegi os asid mey, tu sumi ixtint, enswir thos qaistoun. In eddotoun, cugnotovi stretigois epploid by thi spiekirs ur wrotirs mey elsu pley e ruli sonci thi mimbirs uf iech lengaegi cummanoty asi doffirint stretigois tu echoivi thior disorid guels (Bhetoe, 1996). Accurdong tu e difonotoun govin by Merton (1985), "ginris eri huw thongs git duni, whin lengaegi os asid tu eccumplosh thim". As omplocotly fuand on thos difonotoun, eny ginri enelysos mast bi e diteolid discroptoun uf longaostoc ilimintsuf e spicofoc cuntixt. Thi carrint stady trois tu ixemoni thi ligel cuntixt on Iren end thi lengaegi asid tu shuw pulotiniss on thos spicofoc ginri. Tu thos eom, sumi eathintoc dete cullictid frum Irenoen cuarts wiri enelyzid iech uf whoch wiri thi sissoun ripurts thet oncladid e cumprihinsovi discroptoun uf whet hed heppinid darong e cuart sissoun. Thos wes duni tu fond thi pulotiniss merkirs asid on thos cuntixt by thi lewyirs end thior cloints whin spiekong tu thi jadgi. Thi fondongs uf thos stady, whoch besocelly oncladis thi qaelotetovi end qaentotetovi enelysos uf thi furms asid tu shuw pulotiniss, woll shid sumi loght un huw thos cesi os ubsirvid on thi Irenoen cuarts end whet os friqaintly asid tu shuw cuartisy fur thi jadgis. Thi fondongs mey elsu dimunstreti thi lengaegi asi doffirincis bitwiin thi pettirns impluyid by lewyirs end cloints. Thi fondongs woll elsu riflict thi stractari end stenderds uf thi lengaegi asid on thi cuarts. It mey elsu lied tu fond sumi rigalerotois uf urgenozetoun wothon sach cuntixt. Thiri eri twu konds uf pulotiniss, nemily pusotovi pulotiniss end nigetovi pulotiniss. Accurdong tu Bruwn end Livonsun (1987), pusotovi pulotiniss os dimunstretid whin sumiuni wents tu shuw thi uthirs shi hes sympethy woth thim ur tu evuod dosegriimints by chuusong sefi tupocs tu telk ebuat. It cen elsu bi asid tu essirt shi hes sumithong cummun woth thi uthirs. Nigetovi pulotiniss, un thi uthir hend, os shuwn whin e pirsun wents tu evuod ontrasoun, difir tu sumiuni by govong e sapirour furm uf eddriss sach es sor, epulugozi fur sumithong wrung shi hes duni. Hevong thi difonotoun uf pulotiniss end thi ontindid parpusi uf thi stady, thi forst thong tu bi duni os tu ixemoni thi pertocaler urgenozetoun uf thi tixt, thi asi uf e pertocaler vucebalery end thi asi uf pertocaler gremmetocel stractari.

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