Quotes About Gender Roles In The 1920s

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This quote explains, how gender roles are portrayed to people all over the world, many people are concerned about their sexuality and question it at times because they think that they don’t meet the masculinity or femininity standards of society. This has gone on for many years and these stereotypes and doubts about one 's self need to stop. Not only are we bringing ourselves down but also educating young children with our uncertainty about our “gender roles” when in reality there are none. Children are learning about gender roles at a young age, making them feel like they are not “masculine” or “feminine” enough for society to accept them as they are. Men and women are equal in all aspects however not all people think the same way and unfortunately …show more content…

Gender roles are how you act, say or do that shows if you 're a man or woman. According to society a man has to be strong, independent, a leader, and so. A woman has to be dependent, know how to cook, and submissive. These stereotypes seem unfair and sexist. A women can be strong, independent, and bring home the money and it wouldn’t make her man she would still be a woman. A man can be shy, have feelings, and insecure and that wouldn’t make him a girl. In the 1920s gender roles had a big impact on everyday life. Men would go out and work whereas the women would stay home and look after the kids, clean the house and cook dinner. As a child they would be taught where their place in society was. It wasn’t until later on that gender roles shifted. In today’s society a woman can go to work and the man can stay home and look after the kids and it is perfectly normal. In fact 20% of women make $5,000 more than their spouse. That shows that women now have more opportunities and that gender roles have evolved. There are still gender roles in some parts of the world. Gender roles won’t vanish completely but they will …show more content…

Young ladies back then had very basic education and their only job was to take care of their husband and children and hope that someday their daughters might follow in their mother 's footsteps and become the best house wife there could be. But things have changed and ladies young and old have learned to become more independent and confident in other aspects, whether it be in a relationship or just bringing food to the table, women can now hold their own ground now compared to before. Instead of having to please their husband in any way shape or form. “That’s the way men are,’ his wife said to us. She smoothed her comfortable lap. “I voted against prohibition to please him, and because i like a little beer in the house, and then he talks that way. It’s a wonder they ever find anyone to marry them,” (The wife of the man from Montana pg.92). Women had to please their husbands and agree with everything they had to say. A woman had no voice and her opinions were not valid in society. Brett symbolizes all the women in the world one way or another, everyone is shy, insecure, frustrated, and unsure. All the feelings that Brett has, a woman has been through them not because they are women but because they are human. Ladies are judged every day over the simplest things. Women have the potential to do great things but they can’t

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