Second Shift Essay

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Samjot Dhillon
Andy Varbel
March 23, 2015

Gender Inequality: Impact of Second Shift On Families
The United States of America has been known as the land of freedom, justice, and liberty for all. She is held responsible for cooking, cleaning, laundry, and taking care of the little ones; whereas, men have a option. Society also plays a huge role in gender inequality. Women are always portrayed as housewives; whereas, men are suppose to be the ones that have real jobs. In the twenty-first century, women have finally began to work outside of the house. But they still are expected to go home and take care of the housework too. In the article “Second Shift,” Ms. Hochschild argues how married women work two full-time jobs. She says that women work longer hours, acquire less sleep, and often are more sick compared …show more content…

Several studies show that working mothers get less depressed and have a higher self-esteem compared to housewives, but compared to their husbands, they’re more tired and get sick more often. And working mothers were more likely than any other group to be anxious. The woman 's attitude and behavior will affect the family. This may create problems within the relationship, the husband may not understand the situation. Husbands who helped very little at home were often indirectly affected as their wives by the need to do that work and through the resentment their wives felt towards them. “According to the article The Second Shift, Evan himself suffered enormously from the side effects of “her” problem. His wife did the second shift, but she resented it keenly, and half consciously expressed her frustration and rage by losing interest in sex and becoming overly absorbed with Joey”(261). Due to all the work load on the women, she may lose interest in her husband or just not have quality time to spend with

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