Gang Violence That Results Into Crimes

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Gang violence that results into crimes takes over 100 lives every year. This may affect you, your families, and others either directly or indirectly. A gang is an “association of three or more individuals whose members collectively identify themselves by adopting a group identity, which they use to create an atmosphere of fear or intimidation, frequently by employing one or more of the following: a common name, slogan, identifying sign, symbol, tattoo or other physical marking, style or color of clothing, hairstyle, hand sign or graffiti; Their purpose is to engage in criminal activity and which uses violence or intimidation to further its criminal objectives.” (NIJ) Approximately 100% of cities with a population of more than 250,000 report gang activities, 35% of suburban counties report gang activity, 94% of gang members are male, 772,500 people are members of gangs in the U.S, only 37% of gang members are under the age of 18 right now. (Teen Violence) Gang violence doesn’t only happen in one specific area but it may occur in your neighborhood, your community, schools and streets. Gang violence often happens in prison as well. In order to stop this people must take action and actually do something about it. Gangs in schools are a huge thing nowadays because teenagers feel like that is one way to “fit in.” However, gang violence will resume growing unless people get together as one and do something about it. “Teen gang violence has been steadily rising annually for the last decade. Gang violence in high school is a problem that almost all communities face. Many teenagers who do not have a good home life and feel unaccepted or want to have a "family" will turn to gangs. Teens that have friends who are in gangs are also likely to j... ... middle of paper ..., this mean avoiding commercials, music, and movies that may encourage gang violence. Another way to stop gang violence and gang affiliation is to put stricter punishments on people in gangs, teenagers and others will too scared join them, in fear of getting caught. If all the above things can change, it will make a difference. Gangs are a huge thing in Schools, cities, and on the streets and they should be because it put everyone surrounding these gangs in danger. Gangs are dangerous and influences kids on making bad choices. The world, our cities, our communities should take action and care about this issue because a lot of people are getting killed and hurt over something so petty like a gang. If we ban gang violence in any shape and form it will not influence people to join into it. We must stop gang violence and stop the killing and the crimes.

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