What Is Erikson's Theory

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Freud’s theory of personality/theory of mind as an energy system has merit to it, as one would expect from the “father of psychoanalysis.” I agree with one of his core ideas that there is a limited amount of energy available meaning that energy allotted for one activity means there will be energy deprived for another. I also agree with the fundamental idea that the mind is always attempting to achieve a state of quiescence, much like the body, minds have their own version of homeostasis. In social psychology I was taught about one’s constant need to avoid mental discord and to reduce discord if experienced, a social twist on one of Freud’s ideas. On another social note, Western cultures claim that the individual is not corrupt, but the society is corrupt which resonates with me. I believe that people do no themselves have a moral compass, but that they choose to follow society’s moral compass. Depending on the society one was raised in, morals …show more content…

His theory relies on more specific comparisons and outcomes. Freud’s phallic stage, however, is interesting. It is insane that at the age of four or five so much can occur. The revelation of the genitals and the favoring of the opposite sex parent ring true throughout almost everyone’s childhood. This stage gives accuracy to the phrases “mommy’s boy” and “daddy’s girl.” This is the main aspect of Freud’s theory that I applaud, though. Erikson’s theory also refuses to lump all experience after puberty into one stage which I find important and necessary to a theory of development. While the development is definitely much slower than the earlier stages, I do not believe that after puberty all development stops or is too unimportant to delve in to. Erikson’s theory sheds light onto the high suicide rate of the elderly whereas Freud’s does not. While all theories will lack an explanation for social phenomenon, Freud’s theory lacks too

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