Argumentative Essay On Freedom Of Speech

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Freedom of Speech Freedom of speech has long been one the most important issues brought before the Supreme Court due to its importance in our everyday lives and society as a whole, but what specifically makes this topic such a namesake in our nation 's highest court? Simply stated, the underlying reasoning pertains to only two basic components, these being that of how far should freedom of speech be allowed to go and what actual representations fall into the category of speech. Cases based on these two crucial pieces of our nation 's puzzle have been taken to trial from the beginning of our country all the way into cases extending unto us today. Being that it is a basic unalienable right, it is likely to always be debated and be part of legal arguments for years and generations to come. Many have come to question what can truly be defined as speech, and to what lengths should the freedoms associated with it be limited. Such precedents were never as evident as they were in the Tinker vs. Des Moines Independent Community School District when students protesting the Vietnam War via the wearing of black arms bands would set into stone the way public schools could handle disciplinary action within the bounds of the Constitution. Originally, …show more content…

Even in cases in which that wasn 't necessarily the main supporting topic of discussion, it still had a rather large influence despite a more in the shadows approach. Freedom of speech is most definitely one of the most important rights we have because of its ability to influence whole cultures and people to change and follow the ideologies of another. May we as people see that importance and never forget what it truly means to be able to speak options freely without fear of

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