Forever Young in the Poem Old Man Dreams by Oliver Holmes

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In the poem, “The Old Man Dreams” by Oliver Wendell Holmes, Holmes demonstrated that an old man craved to be young again. Holmes supports his message by writing the poem as an extended metaphor by comparing youth to old age. At the end of the stanzas, he reveals that the old man didn't just want to be a young boy again, but he also wanted to be a father and a husband, too. In conclusion, one can understand that the theme of Holmes’ poem is to be forever young and to be with his loved ones. Oliver Wendell Holmes used imagery, symbolism and rhyme scheme to illustrate the character’s desire to be young again. One can also believe that the purpose of this poem was to display the hunger of youthfulness for which the man lust for.This poem also shows that Holmes was a romantic writer because the idea of this poem is untainted youth over the sophistication that comes age.

Holmes’ greatest literary device that he used throughout this poem was imagery. By using imagery, one can see what the old man wanted. For example, the old man states,“ I'd rather laugh, a bright-haired boy, than reign, a gray-beard king" ( This quote from the poem defines imagery. The use of bright-haired boy demonstrates youth. It also shows that being young is a happy moment because the color yellow symbolizes happiness and youth. Holmes used the part about being a gray-beard king to paint the picture of old age. He used the color gray on purpose to show how dull and boring old age can be. He also compares the two different socioeconomics by using a boy and a king. He is saying that no matter how much money and power he has, young age is still better than the socioeconomic benefits gained by old age. By comparing these two symbols, one can see ...

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...eatness of youth and the dullness of old age. He also hid symbols throughout the poem to keep the reader focused and so the reader could pay attention to every word and detail. The use of his rhyme scheme kept the poem in a sing-song flow which made it easy to understand. The rhyme scheme pattern also made the reader feel the happiness of young age that the old man wanted, and it also made the reader feel the sadness of old age that the man did not want. Although Holmes described the old man as one who wanted youth, he also added in some other details that explained why the man wanted youth. By adding in being a husband and a father too into the poem, it added another angle as to why the old man wanted to be young again. Therefore, one can conclude that Oliver Wendell Holmes’ overall theme was indeed the greatness of youth and the happiness it brought the old man

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