Persuasive Essay About Chocolate

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The scientific name for the tree that chocolate comes from, Theobroma cacao, means “food of the gods”. Chocolate throughout its history has been considered a luxury and very high valued delicacy, some people believe they cannot live without this substance. However consuming too much chocolate can cause you to feel different than you usually feel and cause unusual changes in not only your lifestyle but also in your behavior. The coco beans see deep within a soul the chocolate as smooth as gold Hershey brand of chocolate maple syrup within a cup of milk colder than the refrigerator itself I decided to try a cup, but a cup was to little but at the same time not enough so I forced my own hand and poured too much and became ill of the chocolate convulsing over my breakfast ruining the taste of my grandmother’s home cooked breakfast not prepared by some chef in a restaurant cooking for thousand’s but a meal that was made …show more content…

My campaign of hatred had begun I wanted nothing to do with it I didn’t want to see it to even mention the word chocolate was just disgusting, the smell made my stomach turn and I felt nauseous and my vision blurred but my eyes narrowed on the so called delicacy only to find that the source was something that was inevitable it was all around me. The chocolate persisted through stores through deserts, cakes, snacks and cookies the inescapable horror of something I once considered delicious I had a childish and unexplainable hatred for. Just knowing the day that people give out unlimited chocolate and sugar was approaching had upset me to the point that I wouldn’t even think twice about joining an irrational group of individuals and knocking on strangers doors for free

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