The Flaming Youth of the 1920's

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The roaring 20's were an outrageous time. American was full of cheap alcohol, crazy parties, and people chasing after the American dream. These times lead not only people making major mistakes, but also to the Great Depression. Major things changed in the 1920s. People were not acting or dressing the same as they had been. It was a time of rebellion in youth. The female youth In particular changed. In the past female had been arrested or disgraced for dressing immodestly or smoking in public. In the 1920s women were shortening their hemlines, drinking and smoking in public, and flaunting it so everyone could see. This was obviously out of frustration and wanting to change how they were being treated. The youth of this time are often referred to as the "Flaming Youth". Not only were the youth acting out though. The whole population in General was on a spending frenzy. Even people who didn't have the money spent wildly. Everyone wanted to live luxuriously, Buying cigarettes, magazines, newspapers, radios, alcohol, and drugs, all to make them "happy". With all this spending, people h...

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