Development Of Political Opinion

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No one is born with a political opinion. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines opinion as “a belief, judgment, or way of thinking about a particular thing; advice from someone with special knowledge, or advice from an expert.” Opinions are important to the individual who develops them but may be useless rhetoric to others. José Martí once said, “The first duty of a man is to think for himself.” Some people claim to be apolitical when it comes to political opinions, but politics and their diverse views affect them whether they like to admit it or not. Multiple factors provide a role in the development of political opinions, such as family, education, economics, political events, and the media. Political beliefs are subject to change throughout one’s life; a person may not hold on to what they once believed as a child, or even yesterday. The nature of how opinions are formulated is influenced by several factors, and political opinions are no different. “Political learning is generally casual and uncritical unless an important event makes a conscious evaluation necessary.”
The initial influence in development of opinions is derived within the family. Parents are the primary inspiration for children. They have expectations for their kids to grow and mature, be able to take care of the …show more content…

Opinions can be educated or uneducated. Individuals, regardless of their educational level, are self driven. They want the best for themselves and their family. The poor without the real-estate or ownership of land are more concerned for good health, themselves, and their families. Wealthier, property owners are more concerned with conserving their property and with the privacy that it gives. James Madison wrote in the tenth Federalist Papers that the “nature of man” causes factions and that the “But the most common and durable source of factions had be the various and unequal distribution of property.” People have a tendency to vote with their

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