The First Constitution of the Republic of Texas (1836)

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The first constitution of Texas adopted on March 1, 1836 opens with these words, “We, the people of Texas, in order to form a Government, establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense and general welfare; and to secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves, and our posterity, do ordain and establish this constitution”. (“Constitution of Republic of Texas” pp. 9-25.) Created in 1836, the first Constitution of the Republic of Texas was born. Fearful of attack by Mexican troops, fifty nine delegates, borrowing from other State Constitutions and the United States Constitution, met at the Washington-on-the-Brazos to write the first Constitution for Texas as an independent unitary body of Government. (Haag and Keith p. 37) Consisting of a preamble, six articles, a schedule, general provisions, and a declaration of rights, the first constitution of Texas incorporated some of the following provisions, “a bicameral legislature, separation of powers, an executive and judiciary branch of government, freedom of religion, recognition of slavery, a system of checks and balances, a definition of a citizen that excluded Africans, Indians, and their descendents, adult male suffrage, property rights, and an amendment process”. (Haag and Keith p. 37)
Rushing to put in place a working system of government, many of the provisions outlined within the 1836 Texas Constitution were adapted from several places such as the United States Constitution, Spanish-Mexican law, English law, and other southern States Constitutions. (Ericson, Joe E.) Provisions adapted from the United States Constitution were reflected through the amount of power given to State officials that closely resembled identical provisions of the Uni...

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...Streeter 275. Courtesy of the Tarlton Law Library, Jamail Center for Legal Research, The University of Texas at Austin, 2013. Web. 3 February 2014.
Ericson, Joe E. “Constitution of the Republic of Texas”. Handbook of Texas Online. Published by the Texas State Historical Association, accessed 3 February 2014.
Ericson, Joe E. “Constitution of the Republic of Texas”. Handbook of Texas Online. Published by the Texas State Historical Association, accessed 3 February 2014.
Ericson, Joe E. “Constitution of the Republic of Texas”. Handbook of Texas Online. Published by the Texas State Historical Association, accessed 3 February 2014.

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