Film Analysis: Animal House

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Academic Culture in Movies I watched the movie Animal House; it gave me an interesting perspective on academic life in the 1960’s. The movie follows two friends Lawrence "Larry" Kroger and Kent Dorfman, as they try to gain acceptance from a fraternity at Faber College in 1962. The movie starts off with Larry and Kent going to a social event at one of the better fraternities on campus the Omegas. The Omegas are the snooty, uptight, rich fraternity. Larry and Kent are not like them and find themselves uncomfortable but try their best to fit in. They are made fun of and they leave disappointed without a bid. They head over the Delta Tau Chi House where Kent’s brother used to be a member making Kent a legacy. There they meet John "Bluto" Blutarsky, who seems to be a little crazy. Delta Tau Chi offers the boys a bid because they need the due money. We next are introduced to the main protagonist Dean Vernon Wormer. The dean dislikes the Delta’s and there party attitude. The Delta house is already on probation so the dean puts them on double secret probation. He enlists the president of t...

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