Second Class Citizenship Essay

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To truly understand why women or why some women continue to accept their second class citizenship status to men, one must become aware of the lived experiences of these women. As Patti Lather suggests, people must be the narrators of their own stories (Critical inquiry in qualitative research: Feminist and poststructural perspectives: Science “after truth”). Until we become aware of these perceived “second class” citizens’ stories, we are only left to postulate based on our own experiences.
As for me, the first thing that I would want to know is the female’s perception of her citizenship. Does she actually view herself as a second class citizen? While the world may view me, a female, as not holding the same status as a male, I do not live in that state of mind or perceive myself in …show more content…

I do not know the answers to these questions as they could possibly be discovered through the stories of individuals who hold or who do not hold a second class view of their citizenship. What I do know is that I do not view myself as a second class citizen, although my race and sex may indicate otherwise to some. I feel this is the first step to equal citizenship; empowering oneself through your own mind.

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