Feminism Impact On Society Essay

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The Impact that Feminism has had on Society
Feminism has been called into question time after time, and criticized relentlessly through the years. Feminists are labelled as “crazy” and “man-hating.” They are scolded for complaining about nothing and for disrupting the family values that have been held by society for years. The readings of this unit have time and time again spoken of the importance of feminism and how feminism can and will change the world. Yet, people still question the validity of the Feminist movement constantly. Feminism has an impacted our modern lives through the changes it has helped implement in the past, and it can further have an impact on our society’s future.
Our society has made strides towards equality as a whole …show more content…

While opportunities of the past were limited for women, in A Day with Feminism, Baumgardner and Richards explain that in the near future this could be completely false. When speaking of what the future could hold, Baumgardner and Richards say that “women and men are paid equal wages for work of comparable value, as is every race and ethnic group.” (133) In “A Day Without Feminism” & “Third Wave Manifesta: A Thirteen-Point Agenda,” it is also brought up that women used to have a hard time living without a man and couldn’t fully participate in society without men (5 &6). While I know this isn’t the case today, and women can certainly succeed without having a man, sometimes it doesn’t feel that way. In my personal experience, I have always been told that one of the most important things in life is finding a man to take care of you. Men have historically been thought of as providers for a household, and I don’t think that this has entirely changed. While I will admit that we have made great strides in accomplishing …show more content…

I wanted to take a look at how sexism in society has changed and the damaging effects that it can potentially have and has had. “A Day Without Feminism” & “Third Wave Manifesta: A Thirteen-Point Agenda” is a look at how life would be without feminism, and it tells a tale filled with examples of sexism. In their writing, Baumgardner and Richards explain how education was aimed more towards men, almost in a way that guaranteed them success. These same opportunities were not available to women of the time. I still think that more opportunities are available for men today than there are for women. When I think of every person of power I’ve met in my life, only a handful have been women. I was always complimented on how pretty I was and never how smart I was; how I will make a great mother some day, never a great leader. It is explained in “A Day Without Feminism” & “Third Wave Manifesta: A Thirteen-Point Agenda” how women were expected to stay at home with kids and maintain their household, and I think this expectation is still very present in todays society. This is a point also brought up in The Social Construction of Gender by Christie Launius and Holly Hassel. Launius and Hassel say that “Social and policy structures… the responsibility for child care as a female one.” (35) These messages of what role women and men are meant to

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