Third Wave Of Feminism

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Feminism is the endeavor to advocate for women’s rights as a way to garner political, social and economic equality to men. Recently, feminism has been put to the test as an ideology as the third wave of feminists emerge. This movement has been criticized as being radical and has even been met with the criticism in the form of the movement named “meninism”. Meninism advocates against the perceived oppression of white males and has a large social media following on twitter, where it started as a satirical take on feminism and has since lost its satirical piece and has become a movement rallied against feminism. The idea of feminism is not new, rather it has transformed from its previous generations. Society is considered to be in its third wave of feminism, the first being in the 1920s and the second in the 1970s. In international relations it is a way to look at the world through a gendered lens and focuses on women’s issues on a global scale. This view of equality is open to everyone but it is mainly women, such a Hillary Clinton, that are implementing changes by using this approach. Another approach is constructivism, created in the 1980s it was mainly used by neo-realism and neo-liberalism followers. This is an approach that states that the main aspects of society are governed by social norms and that States exist in a world of their own making. Social interactions between states shape their identities and interests as well as their …show more content…

Feminism makes sense of the topic for the fact that it focuses on the safety and equality of women in society, whether that be a Western State or one in the Global South. It would look at the issues facing women and find a way to achieve equality to the men. This approach would look at issues such as female genital mutilation, breast ironing and earning gaps as ways that women are being treated as inferior to

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