Fear of Difference Assists Oppression, not Revolution

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Some would say that fear causes rash acts of rebellion. However, fear of difference actually causes complacency of an oppressed people. Should the fear be on the part of the oppressors, such as in Nazi Germany or 17-19th century America, it is easy to dehumanize the oppressed, claiming that the differences are “wrong,” and that oppression is merely the result of wrongdoing on the part of the oppressed. Claims like this can rally peoples against the oppressed, and places the moral blame on the oppressed, often causing the oppressed to internalize this claim of wrongdoing. If the oppressed are the fearful, their fear of technological, governmental, and religious differences, as seen in colonial Africa, leads them into a place from which it is hard to take a stand: in some cases the powerful oppressors could, in the minds of the oppressed, crush any rebellion. In others, it is hard to know where to stand and fight. In still others, oppressed peoples become intimidated by the way of life of their oppressors, which grants the oppressors a mystical aura of aloofness. Should there be little fear between the oppressors and the oppressed, the victims would eventually revolt. This is easily seen in the Crusades, where the Muslims took back much of the Christians’ newly conquered territory, and in the American Revolution, where American rebels, based on their knowledge of Britain’s government and workings, were able to successfully revolt against Britain and form a stable country of their own. Human beings fear what they are not used to. The settlers of Europe were placed into the New World, which was a new environment with different people, lands and cultures. These colonists were scared and insecure because they did not understan... ... middle of paper ... ...have easily defeated the other. In this case as well, the Crusaders neither routed nor were routed by the Muslims because there lacked a fear of difference between them. Fear of Difference is a unique a weapon of unimaginable power. Throughout history this weapon has been used in certain situations to force conformity upon the oppressed to enslave people against their will. By exploiting the Fear of Difference, a leader or oppressor can enter the minds of the oppressed and override their basic beliefs and goals in life with their own views, and when it is used properly, the results can range from the acceptance of basic racial discrimination to the cruel and undue deaths of millions. When Fear of Difference is exploited, those who are being oppressed lose sight of their own views an opinions and are forced to conform ideals imposed upon them.

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