Sacrifice Short Story

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Sacrifice is something that many people have to go through make even though the outcome might not be great. However at what cost? In all the stories written by Yiyun Li, a common theme that was entwined with the story was sacrifice. Throughout the stories, the characters are faced with obstacles that test whether they’re going to give up everything they have in order to help the people that are dear to them to succeed.

Another example of sacrifice that was displayed in the Thousands years of Good Prayers also takes place in the Princess of Nebraska. For instance, one of the main characters, Boshen sacrifice a lot in order to help Yang out with his life. Boshen fell in love with Yang and was captured by his soul “but he believed, for a long time, that he was the only one to have seen and touched the boy’s soul” (page 76). The first sacrifice that Boshen made was paying for Yang to get him out of prostitution. In addition, another sacrifice that he continued to make was helping Yang get adjusted to …show more content…

Sansan was someone who fully trusted her friends to the point where she would have them to go to America together without her because she believed that nothing would happen between them. Moreover, Sansan describes how she believed and trusted Tu“he trusted her despite her own his own doubt: he followed her decision” (page 99). This sacrifice of letting them go together ruined her relationship between both Tu and Min because they ended up falling in love and leaving Sansan out of the circle. For instance, Sansan describes how “they both broke their promises to her, hurtful as it and it will always be” (page 101). This decision to sacrifice her opportunity to come America and let her friends go together and pretend to be married shows how the sacrifice that she made did not ultimately not work out in this story because she ends up being hurt and Tu wants to come back to her when it’s too

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