Family System Theory

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Definition of a family evolved over the years and may have a various meaning for each of us. There are many different types of families: nuclear, reconstituted, extended, single parents, complex, traditional, step, foster - these are the most common but not all. G.P. Murdock’s (1949) defined family as a structure containing adults of both sexes and one or more children, own or adopted. Although a sugar-sweet picture of “cereal box” family is no longer a standard, Office for National Statistic states, that in 2013 there were 5,9 million nuclear families. Murdock’s family - nuclear, traditional in social esteem is the most approved as for many years this type was seen as ideal to raise children. Children in these type of family are more likely to benefit from having financial and emotional stability and from daily, family routines. The fastest growing family type in 2013 was cohabiting couple family. This type is similar to the nuclear family as it acts as a family with the difference of couple not being legally married. This has some legal implications and also poses a threat of splitting easily without of a need for …show more content…

Families may face different pressures that may affect its structure or system. Family system theory describes a family as a self-adapting, constantly changing, an emotional system of parts influencing on each other. Dr Bowen, M. formed this theory based on human behaviour to help effectively solve psychological problems within the family unit. Families struggle with different pressure –at work, unemployment, financial problems, religious issues, health problems, disabilities, bereavement, consequences of divorce. Some families such as lesbian, gay or transgender face stigma or social exclusion, single parents may face poverty, parenting problems or loss of contact with another parent. Pressure from friends, relatives, media or society are familiar to most of the

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