The Extent of Historical Revisionism

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“ Knowledge is justified true belief.” – Plato

Every fact organized into our knowledge was once a claim, which was composed by different perspectives shaped by the temporal circumstances and then justified by the different methodologies available in the era it was presented. Considering the change in accuracy and validity of such methods throughout the years, the once solid line between our knowledge of today and the claim of the past time may be blurred. Although we believe we possess objective facts, from a different perspective gained by progress, such facts become re-interpreted in the light of new evidence, discoveries, technology or societal trends. This new knowledge sometimes makes the existing knowledge become wrong or outdated, causing the existing knowledge to be discarded in favor of the new knowledge. However, absolute refusal differs from modification, addition or correction in the sense that knowledge needs to be subject to review and revisionism over time.

Historical knowledge, which is gained basically by the study of the present traces of the past, needs revising, due to the inherent biases of the people who write history. As history can never be objective in an absolute sense and the contribution of every historian includes a subjective element to the context, every generation must rewrite its own history with the new and usually improved circumstances and opportunities it is surrounded with. As historians are concerned with describing the past as well as understanding and explaining it, historical knowledge we acquire today depends on their perception of the event, reasoning of interpretation and analysis and the language they used to account for what they had perceived. Therefore, as of with any other ...

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... nature of scientific knowledge.

In conclusion, after having completed a thorough investigation of the diverse perspectives for both history and natural sciences, I came up with a moderate understanding of the role of revisionism and review on our knowledge. Since our historical knowledge is influenced by bias and is limited to the extent of our tools to investigate the present traces of past, modification is inevitable. Yet, as humans carry perceptual and reasonable stability, certain components of our knowledge don’t need reassessment. Knowledge from different areas may not always be discarded or modified in the same way as well. New scientific knowledge inclines either to bring further justification to its ancestors’ claim or trash it completely. Because of these, knowledge may bot only be discarded but rather can be modified, added on to or corrected.

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