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At Oak Ridge Tennessee, Dr. Robert Oppenheimer became “death, the destroyer of the worlds”, when the first A-bomb experiment was carried out. At Oak Ridge North Carolina, I became,the broiled appetizer of the carnival when I stepped into a military academy, landing due to a distaste of spoon-fed education and a naive dream of wearing camouflage and gaining "man-hood". Now, with self- mockery, I can laugh at this juxtaposition of the stereotypical pedant and cadet, but certainly I didn't appreciate the irony when I embarked at the Academy, where unimaginably menial works and unfair but inevitable "welcome” befell on me on a daily basis. So ideal was the fantasy I harbored, and yet so relentless was the reality that I was almost shattered. Could this be the wreck of a“Great Expectations” cliche? Hardly, for this school is not a cradle of thespian dramas, but rather a merger of sweat and intellect, of reality and fantasy: a microcosm of the real world. “you are just like Stravinsky's Fire Bird Suite,full of climaxes and anti-climaxes without crescendo and calmando. ",wrote my old acting...

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