wickedness was never happiness

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Wickedness never was Happiness
What is happiness for you? Is it any type of material gain what fills your with joy? We all search for something in this life that fills that empty space in our hearts. Even unconsciously we always seek something to do, something that allows us to smile from the bottom of our hearts. Many people search for that something, but how many people actually find it? Many get lost in the things this world has to offer and even though they may seem to enjoy it, within them lies nothing but a temporal happiness. The book of Mormon, another testament of Jesus Christ, teaches people how to find the light of Christ and find true joy in following His gospel. The book of Mormon shows how righteousness brings blessings and joy for the people while wickedness invades and destroys the hearts of the people. The book of Mormon also talks about repentance and how repenting from our sins can bring us closer to achieve true happiness.
Our Heavenly Father devised the plan of salvation so that we could all go back to His presence. Second Nephi 2:25 says, “Adam fell that men might be; and men are, that they might have joy.” This means that the fall of Adam was part of our Father’s plan. He desired for men to have joy, eternal happiness. Sometimes men are not able to realize wickedness defies God’s plan. Wickedness is like a disease that spreads through our minds. This by no means justify our actions, we are able to exert agency and are responsible for any decision we take. President Clark explained how pride is like a poison for our souls. He had a personal experience in which he pierced his foot with a pitchfork. His pride did not let him ask for help to which the poison started attacking his body. President Clark said, “Whe...

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...path, as I reflect upon my actions I realize that during the course of my life there have been times of rejection. Difficult times during which, words did not reach me. It may be more than we can handle, but with our Saviors aid we are able to withstand any trial. With His help we can achieve that eternal joy promised to us. I know that while following the lord’s commandments it is easier to understand the everyday blessings we receive. Robert D. Hales said in his book Return, that we will experience a greater joy if we endure to the end. It may not always seem easy, but Prophet Monson reassures us by saying “if we must stand alone in the process, may we do so courageously, strengthened by the knowledge that in reality we are never alone when we stand with our Father in Heaven.” After all He is our Father and desireth all to be happy.

Works Cited

Book of Mormon

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