the original man

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When I comes to African American History the question of when did we be began as a nation comes to mind. In the doumentery video Hidden Colors, we see that the black man is truly the orginal man. Through my own experience learning about American and World History in middle school and high school, you can see that Whites, who are said to be the domant cultre, try to leave out crucal information that pertains to the Mores or even those Blacks who taought the Euopians what they knew in terms of how to be sanitary (bathe, tend to live stock, build homes with drainage systems, etc.) and much more. On the other hand the book Before Columbus gives information that centers on Africans coming before Columbus’ voyagle to the new world, what is now known as America. During the Dovumentery Hidden Colors we can see one main point that a person can gather is the idea that Blacks were the first to circumnavigate (to sail completely around something) the world, traveling to America and other parts of the world, via ship. Moreover that the Portaguisw were aware of Africans Traviling with those who are from the New World and the Europians try to make it seem like they were first to do so but Blacks or other people were already established there. With that in mind it explains that because African Americans don’t fully understand their history many of them are told to for get it. The Before Columbus book makes note that the reason why we look to Europeian history, which shoun’t be done is because it doesn’t tell the comlease tories of African culture, as many libraries have been destroyed and burned with millions of precious pieces of information. The second major point that is pointed out in Hidden colors is the image of Africans. Thorugh out hist... ... middle of paper ... ...are not genetically sufficient. This was a component that wasn’t brought up in Before Columbus, however, this book does. As we begin to learn more about Africans we have to be open minded and ready to ask questions to burden our understanding. Looking at both the Hidden Color Documentery and Before Columbus can help us to realize that we cannot be passive and sit by waiting for America to be enlighten, when it comes to understanding that Blacks are the superior race. I see that we have to take the information that we know, no matter the size, and share the truth about African American culture so that we can take back what is rightfully ours, that is our power because blacks are the majority. Africans have circumnavigated the global, built systems of education, laid the foundations of many forms of art, and most of all, are the inventors and innovators of the world.

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