sex trafficking

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Sex trafficking is one of the world's biggest criminal businesses. The areas where it is most apparent is in developing countries, mostly in Asia. The main cause of sex trafficking is money, these businesses make about $9.6 billion dollars annually. A Country's culture also plays a major role in the size the of sex trafficking business in its jurisdiction. For example, in Southeast Asia their culture is set up so that men are supposed to have all the control and women are useless other than for house work. This makes the men in these cultures feel as if the women are objects, that can be used for their own personal desires.
Sex trafficking leads to so many other long term issues and problems. The effects of sex trafficking on the culture in these countries are far more damaging. One of the byproducts of this business is major abuse. Women who are forced into sex trafficking are usually done so by their parents. The sellers think that they are giving a better opportunity to their daughter. Girls, some as young as four, are sold locked up, drugged, then sold again for the pleasure of other men. They are then beaten and raped repeatedly, sometimes by multiple men in the same day. Most victims suffer from PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) from these experiences, which makes them have flashbacks and have fits of terror. Many of these women have STD’s and, unless saved, are denied medical treatment for the fear of being caught by authorities.
Predominantly in Asia there is a higher demand for male babies. The reason for this is because the son takes care of the elder when the child is grown. Another major reason for the demand of male children is dowry. Dowry is the payment of gifts and money to the groom's family to make it mor...

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...o fight against human trafficking. final (2007): 2. Web. 3 Apr. 2014. .
"Somaly Mam." Somaly Mam foundation . N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Apr 2014. .
T. Miko, Francis, and Grace (Jea-Hyun) Park. "Trafficking in Women and Children: The U.S. and International Response." CRS Report for Congress. (March 18, 2002): 17. Web. 3 Apr. 2014. .
Susan W. Tiefenbrun and Susan W. Tiefenbrun. 2008. "GENDERCIDE AND THE CULTURAL CONTEXT OF SEX TRAFFICKING IN CHINA" ExpressO
Available at:
" Polaris Project." HUMAN TRAFFICKING STATISTICS. Polaris Project. Web. 3 Apr 2014. .

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